中关村论坛 422
题目: A self-consistent theory for quantum droplets of atomic gases
时间: 2023年12月01日 10:00
地点: A self-consistent theory for quantum droplets of atomic gases
报告人: 易俗 研究员





The recent experimental realization of quantum droplets in both dipolar gases and Bose mixtures is one of the major developments in ultracold atomic physics. Because these droplets emerge in the mean-field collapse regime with sufficiently large attractive inter-atomic interactions, they may represent a new state of matter in dilute atomic gases. A widely accepted theory for the droplet states is the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which incorporates quantum fluctuation through Lee-Huang-Yang correction. In this talk, I will present our results for the properties of the droplet states in various systems. We tackle the problem using the Gaussian-state theory which treats the quantum fluctuation in a self-consistent manner. We show that in addition to two new macroscopic squeezed states, we also find easily accessible criteria for the stabilization mechanism and the quantum state of the droplets.

邀请人:陈    澍(8264 9553)

联系人:胡    颖(8264 9361)